It's been a little while since I've posted because I've been so busy!! Lot's of things are going on: the photo gallery event went super good. It was the busiest art walk Java Kai ever had! My friends really helped out on that one...two of them fire danced and the other came to DJ. (see video) Entertainment is always a big plus.
Since then, I've hired two people to help me sew. I am now making more bikinis than ever. I had my first order from a buyer in Japan as well. She ordered a big sample order to pitch to the stores over there and if all goes well, she'll be ordering atleast 100 pieces a week!!!! Which is great of course- it would mean my production would need to go up, but it would actually be a really big deal to have my line in Asia. That means I'll be producing for 8 stores on Kauai, 1 on Maui, 3 websites and the buyer in Asia. It's kind of funny to think that i'll be producing all this from my home...
Another exciting KaiKini addition is the Keiki-kini line! Little tiny, itty-bitty bikinis for newborns all the way up to 6 yrs old. I cannot wait to start making these. Mom and daughter will be able to wear matching suits. How cute is that?!?
So much is happening and I have so many opportunities coming my way. This business has opened me up in so many unexpected ways. I've become more social, I'm meeting new people all the time, making new friends, working really hard, exercising regularly, eating super healthy, doing more and more everyday. I feel like I have direction. A purpose. A fire has been lit inside me and everyday, thanks to the people and support around me, it seems to be burning brighter.