Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Master Delegator

         Both my grandmothers and my mother sewed their whole lives, but for whatever reason, I never learned how. My Grandma Millie taught me how to crochet rugs, but that's the closest I ever came. Even though I ended up teaching myself how to sew, I always knew in the back of my mind, it was in my blood. Unfortunately, or fortunately- depending on how you look at it- there is a lot more to the bikini business than sewing. 
         The more I get into this business, the more learning there is to do. It started with learning how to make A (as in one) bikini, then it was how to make 50 at a time...then 100. Building inventory to open an online store and learning how to use and manage it. I did photo shoots for the inventory I wanted to sell, wrote descriptions for each one, figured out shipping rates and got a system in place for orders, refunds and exchanges.
         Then there's the photo shoots. You can't have a bikini company without the photo shoots. These I really enjoy. Lately, photo shoots are the only reason I get to go to the beach, so I'm quite happy to have a reason to get out of the sewing room. I'm learning, by doing, about how to be photographer, and what lighting works best and when, getting the models ready: making sure the suits fit, getting the right sizes. I do their make-up, and use earrings and bracelets and necklaces from my own collection to accessorize. After that, there's the photo editing. Seeing as I'm still in the process of learning how to get the shot I need, I end up taking a shit ton of pictures. So needless to say, there's a lot to go thru. It's a lot of work and there's a lot of time involved but the end product is totally worth it.
        We can't forget the little shows on the side: I've got the runway show coming up in a few weeks- I know it's going to be fun, but it's my first one, so I know there will be some challenges too. I've also got a show for my photography starting January 1st at the Java Kai in Kapaa. I need to blow up prints and fill the space for the whole month and possibly into February. I'm pretty excited about it. 
       I also drive around island to all 6 of my retail stores, checking inventory and dropping off more. I get along well with all of the shop owners so this is usually pretty fun too.
      The problem I'm having with all this, is that I love it. I really truly like each part of it. There's parts I like more than others, but for the most part, I really like it all. BUT- I can't do it all. Right now Im able to, but I know that if I want my business to grow, I'm going to have to train someone and delegate out some of my favorite things. What I need to do first is train people to do the bulk of the sewing. (My inner voice just screamed out: "but no one can do it like I do! It won't be the same!") Will they still be MY suits if someone else is doing it?!? Yes. I suppose. This is something i'm going to have to get over. 
      So what does all this mean?!? I need to become a Master Delegator. I am a horrible delegator by the way. I prefer and try to do everything myself, (usually because I enjoy it) and I hate asking people to do things...especially things for me. My Dad on the other hand is THE Master Delegator. The name plate on his desk says "BOSS MAN". Well, right next to it, he should have another one that says "MASTER DELEGATOR". I was not taught this skill, but it's definitely something I'm going to have to teach myself. It will be challenging, and I'm sure I won't be good at it as first, but in the back of my mind, I'll know it's in my blood.  


  1. kristy oneto// rinascimentoNovember 30, 2011 at 8:59 PM

    ill work for you on the business side for reals!!! I believe you can do it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Taryn your designs rock no matter who makes them you are the incredible creative designer and dreamer!!!!!! Delegation is easy take a deep breath grow a huge set of balls and tell people what you want them to do!!!! Always remembering that in order for them to understand whats in your head you MUST show them....I managed 1000 rental units and 8 employees with over 350 owners on a daily basis, it can be done. I have faith in you and you would not be where you are at if it wasn't meant to be this is why you are here!!!!! Believe in yourself and let your husband help you believe in your dream make it happen girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Such great advice! I definitely struggle with communicating exactly how I want things done. I feel like I'm being bossy or rude. BUT- I also understand that this is my business and I need it to be done a certain way in order for it to succeed and that is what is most important.

  4. T-
    We were kinda always brought up with the thinking, "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself." But you have to keep in mind that you are 1 person. You are not super women, even though sometimes you seem to be. But in reality you CANT do it all. It is physically impossible. So, but delegating and hiring someone that will do exactly what you want, you will be honestly bettering yourself and the company. It will be hard work and will take patients to find the right person for you, but you will do it.
    Love ya!


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