Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Damn Girl! What's your secret?

Seems like trendy health conscious people (and all of Hollywood) have about four answers when you ask them about their fitness life:

“I exercise non-stop and eat air yet claim to have this fantastic bod by walking my dog”- type. (Why you gotta lie?)

The “I have 17 trainers and a personal chef and I'm paid millions to tend to my body, so of course I look good” - type. (That's no fair!)

Or the “I just have a really good metabolism I guess”- type. (Lucky!)

Lastly, “I have so much money Im gonna change myself into anything I want” -type. (No comment)

So when we encountered Allison, let us just tell you how psyched we were for an emerging “Im doing my best, and have dedication- and this is how I look, which is pretty darn good, thank you!” type. (Go girl!)

You may know Alison Furder from her partnership and friendship with us at Kaikini, as a Kauai known and based model, or from your own personal relationship in the community- however you know her, you know one thing- she has the body of a goddess. (yes, even with a baby on the way!) And no, not just a genetically gifted goddess, but a hard working, and dedicated one as well. When we got the opportunity to interview the Kauai fitness queen, I jumped at the chance. 

Check out a few candid questions she answered when we basically asked the question…what do you do?? and how do you do it??

Q: We love that you have a healthy attitude about your body- it shows! What is your secret?
A: It’s proven, we are a product of our environment! Surround yourself with people from all aspects that support all interests. You want to get your life together, it starts with you and how you want to see yourself, how you want to feel when you wake up, how you want to be at work, in your relationships, and with your loved ones.

Q: What is the number one mistake you see people making while trying to get fit?
A: Following trends. Crash dieting, trendy short lived diets, and expecting instant weight loss and unrealistic results.

Q: What is your regular fitness routine?
A: I like to switch up timing and workouts. Its a mix between high intensity cross fit, and circuit training (1 hour) ex: 3 minutes of squats (as she demonstrates the best squats we’ve ever seen). I also have off days, days when I give my body a rest and do something more natural like swimming or surfing. 

Q: Well, a girls gotta eat! What do you consume before a workout?
A: Protein shake. Non gmo, vegan, fresh flax milk. Make sure you are eating or drinking something with high protein, and lots of nutrients and minerals. When all else fails, fresh fruit. Other options are dates, prunes, figs, and hard boiled eggs packed calcium.

Q: What is your favorite meal?
A: I love breakfast. I’m always up early. I like to make hot cereal- with pumpkin seeds, blue berries, banana, honey, and coconut.

Q: What is your food philosophy, and what does it mean?
A: Always listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs! After I got out of surgery- I cut out dairy because I needed to lower inflammation. I wasn’t exercising as much and needed more energy so I cut out red meat. If you are thirsty- you are already dehydrated! Your body is yours! Listen to it!

Q: Everyone always seems so busy, and it’s tempting to eat badly when you are sleep deprived, busy, or hungry. How do you keep healthy? 
A: I don’t punish myself when my body has a craving. I don’t spoil it either. Moderation is the best health regime. If I’m craving sweets I eat some dark chocolate. I mean, its chocolate! It also contains a bunch of anti oxidants that are good for your blood and immune system. Sometimes I  pair it with some organic fruit that is packed with sugar. If that’s not enough I top it with some ice-cream and then go for a walk after to digest. 

Q: How do you motivate yourself to exercise when your tired? 
A: Its harder said then done to wake up every morning and get in a habit of exercising and nutrition. Finding a good structured team and routine, like a scheduled a class, (Mon, Wed, Fri) will get you out of your house with a nice change of scenery. These classes also help you build friendships with people that are on the same level as you physically. I have made such great friendships with the people I stay active with- they alone increase my energy!

Q: What would you say is your healthiest habit?
A: Hydrating!! I rarely drink anything but water. Drinking water doesn’t have to be boring! Mix in some chia seeds, honey (natural anti fungal bacteria), or fresh lemon to help keep your immune system up. 

Q: You really only drink water? 
A: I stopped drinking a lot of alcohol, because I didn’t want to feel foggy or bad every morning. Instead I treat myself with glass of wine at night or some fresh squeezed juice. Replace your old habit with something newer and healthier, and you will soon be happier!

Q: How do you work out when you are on the road or have had a long day? 
A: Stretch, just to let the stress out and the air in. You’ve got to find time for self love. Go for a walk, listen to some music, take a bath with some epsom salt, or just go to bed early. 

Q: What is the secret to making good for you changes stick?
A: They can’t just be temporary. They have to be LIFE changes. If you are unable to make it to workout class, run around the block. Never miss a day. Do squats while washing the dishes. Know your body, and treat it with respect of a routine.

Q: What is your favorite Kaikini style?
A: All of them? Lol. If I had to choose, the Hina. It offers a little more coverage and sits better on the touché. 

Q: What attracts you to Kaikini?  
A: Their image! Their amazing swimsuits. They have been such good friends, and a great business to work with. 

Well, we love you too Allison! As we as women, as gravity pushes, and as the aging process kicks in, we are inspired by Allison's dedication, research, kindness, beauty, and amazing life choices. 

(Writers note: During this interview, we had JUST found out she was pregnant! Since then she continues with her heath and workout routine with even more determination and dedication. Allison, you are glowing!!!)

by Kona Kai Wilson

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