Thursday, May 14, 2015

Customer Service... from the other end of the line

Every day millions of consumers shop online and wait patiently (or not) for a shiny new treasure to arrive at their mailbox. The wait is painful – but surprisingly addictive! I have to think it stems back to the excitement of getting mail as a kid. It still makes me giddy!

But sometimes... and I know we’ve all been there… something goes wrong. Mr. Postman gets lost, or confused – the size is wrong – they shipped the wrong item – or worse I see the package arrived 1 day after I left on the vacation I’d been planning for 6 months. WHY?! (Yes, this happened to me, and the wound is still fresh!) So, I proceed to find out how to contact customer service and spend the next hour composing a “somebody done somebody wrong song” - and - if they catch me on the wrong day, I just might jump down the throat of the first person who tries to help me.

And sometimes, that’s the only way to get things done, right?


In this day of everything-I-want-is-online-and-I-want-it-right-NOW we've skipped over the person to person interaction and rarely see a face or smile to go with the purchases we make. Worse yet, somewhere along the way we forgot to be nice – on both ends. There are places I frequent that maybe aren't my favorite or I 'll even pay more for something just because the person on the other side of the counter is SO wonderful I can’t help but want to support them! Finding good customer service these days is like a Diamond in the Rough. (Like my Disney reference girls?) Likewise, the internet has made it easy for us to be abrupt, demanding and downright rude because we know we’ll never meet the person on the other end of that email or phone call.

But you know who is on the other end of that email or phone call?


I’m not pointing any fingers – I’m as guilty as the next person – but being the face of customer service for KaiKini has opened my eyes in a major way. Gone are the days where I immediately assume the person on the other end of that line doesn’t care about my problem. We DO care! You’re the reason we get to make bikinis on a gorgeous little island in the middle of the Pacific. But sincerely, please be understanding as much as possible and believe we are doing our very best to make you feel the ALOHA.

I’m not saying it’s all bad!

I have to give a major shout out to our amazing customers, because for the most part, you are sweet, understanding and gracious. You have no idea how much it means when I get to post a good review about our Kinis or get a ‘Thank you for the amazing customer service.’

So, THANK YOU. You rock my world!

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